Language learning using muted or wordless videos - A creativity-based edutainment learning forum

Gangalakshmi Chermakani, Saranraj Loganathan, Ebenezar Sam Paul Rajasekaran, Vishwalingam Murugan Sujetha, Oswin Barnabas Vasanthakumar Stephesn


From the teacher’s perspective, English language enrichment is more applicable and easier when using videos, resulting in a surge in the student’s receptivity. This paper attempts to bridge the gap by using silent videos to stimulate creative writing with a constructivism paradigm. Conducted in an Engineering college in the rural part of South India, two classes with 60 students each (both male and female) from first-year engineering (heterogeneous classes) at CEFR B1 level were chosen for the study. The researchers were the course instructors themselves, with fifteen-minute silent sports videos used for both groups. A sports video with audio was used for the controlled group, whereas one without audio was used for the target group. The controlled group tape-scripted the video content as they listened, while the experimental group created the script for the video on their own. The scripts were assessed for language quality based on vocabulary usage, sentence formation, and choice of words. The assessment details demonstrated that the experimental group students had demonstrated better scriptwriting skills compared to the control group students, who had relied on the audio and tried to paraphrase the words they had heard, leading to unclear scripting. This research showed that silent videos also help in grasping the English language by ESL learners, especially in creative writing and script drafting, evidentially proving that silent videos stimulate autonomous writing among students as they do not depend on audio for tape scripting. It further enhanced their writing skills with creative ability, and, further, the students preferred silent videos over audio videos due to better outcomes.

Keywords: muted video, assessment, pedagogy, multimedia, silent video, autonomous learning and monitoring


Technology's intrusion into the realm of teaching has now become the most updated teaching methodology adopted in the world. "Technology-integrated classroom systems have become popular for language learning in recent years. Blended learning, virtual classrooms, and learning management systems are all examples of this new era of teaching methodology that leading pedagogical experts are endorsing" (Dexway Communications, Education, n.d.). In this context, the researchers decided to use the technology video-enabled classroom with silent videos as the tool. Many researchers have utilised English videos to enhance the output of their students in listening. Harmer puts forth in his article that videos can provide essential extra benefits for students' learning experiences, and they enrich the students' experience of language in use thereby improving cross-cultural understanding with the development of their creativity and motivation in learning (Harmer, 2006). This proves that videos enhance the student's understanding of language and reciprocate by doing so. Adopting this concept, the researchers tried to employ a constructivist paradigm by using silent videos in the classroom to identify the impact it creates on the learners towards language enhancement. Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu was the site of the study, with two first-year sections with 60 students in each as the target groups. The research question "How do silent videos enhance the creative writing of language learners?" was largely explored through empirical data. The researchers used sports videos for the analysis, and the impact level of the video was also tested. This paper further investigates the usage of the learned vocabulary by the target group and the controlled group while tape scripting a muted video. The objective of the research is to stimulate learner autonomy and creative thinking using silent videos.

Literature review

Numerous researchers have worked on the usage of videos in an elaborate manner. Lumturie Bajrami and Merita Ismaili (2016) stated that video material could be used as authentic material input and as a motivational tool. In general, students found using video material to be interesting, relevant, beneficial, and somewhat motivating in class. This suggested that both teachers and students could be involved in creative ways to incorporate different video materials in a variety of classroom activities to enhance learning outcomes and provide a positive classroom environment.

Teaching grammar using animation is dealt with by Abdo and Al-Awabdeh, with the following findings: "Students' understanding and the way they perceive the lesson are more efficient than the traditional method where their emotions were driven by the animated videos themselves" (Abdo & Al-Awabdeh, 2017). This study concludes that the use of animations in the classroom impacts the overall achievement of the students by triggering their emotions. Asraf et al. (2018) proved in their study that the strategy of focused free writing was effective in stimulating ideas for writing among students, and helped them to think critically. This was apparent even among students who were not very proficient in the language.

Gulden Ilin et al., (2013) stated that the usage of videos for grammar teaching motivated the students to be engaged in the lesson. Furthermore, they began to watch the videos through social software asking for the teacher to upload new videos for self-study purposes (Ilin, 2013), which showed how videos enhance grammar learning.

Zhaogang Wang (2015) stated that if teachers had clear goals in mind and planned the teaching process and strategies carefully, video materials could improve students' comprehensive linguistic competence, cultural awareness, and aesthetic appreciation skills. Didar Bildebayeva (2013) stated that the methodology of teaching videos should be different from passive television viewing, adding that the teacher should encourage the learners to watch the films actively, using supplementary materials, such as worksheets prepared by themselves or supplied with the films. Further, he insisted that the learners should participate in the activities, and if possible, set up some projects in the target language by recording their activities such as speaking, interviewing, reporting, and so on. The above-mentioned research study exemplifies the usage of videos for improving language competency and an activity-based classroom environment.

ESL learners who spent more time playing video games were less likely to revert to their native language when communicating with classmates. Sports videos can be a useful resource in the language classroom, enhancing vocabulary acquisition, improving pronunciation skills, promoting authentic language usage, enhancing cultural awareness, and motivating language learners. However, educators need to select appropriate sports videos that align with their teaching objectives and the language proficiency level of their students. Though a lot of research work has been done on the usage of videos in English classrooms, the usage of silent videos remains unexplored.

In their survey, Shahani and Tahriri (2015) proved that there were significant differences between the silent viewing and freeze-frame viewing group and the control group in terms of their listening comprehension. The groups were similar regarding the materials, teacher, and amount of instructions, except in the video training that was specifically offered to the experimental groups. The results proved that practicing silent and freeze-frame viewing techniques had significant effects on high school EFL learners' listening comprehension.

Kandybovich (2017) emphasised that the most valuable feature of stories was based on wordless videos that could be narrated in many ways according to the learners' interpretation of the story and their level of proficiency in English, taking the form of a dialogue, narration, comic speech/thought bubbles, as a story told by a particular character, in writing, etc, which is why wordless videos were used to stimulate story-writing practices. Donaghy (2016) stated that silent films were perfect for the language classroom, as they could be used at any level, insisting that the teacher had to adapt the difficulty of the task to match the level of the students.

A reflective teaching (Gangalakshmi & Naganathan, 2019) mechanism would explicitly prove the importance of silent movie usage in a classroom setup. Saranraj et al. (2022) stated that motivational strategies are of paramount importance in the teaching-learning process. Motivation could be achieved by creating interest, especially by using videos in a classroom setup, and although some research is done using silent videos for language simulation, it is still not in the limelight, and even the usage of sports commentaries in the language classroom is under question. Comments at a higher level of cognition remain unexplored. Researchers have identified this wide gap in research and plan to bridge it by exploring an improvement in interpreting and creative ability when exposed to the usage of silent sports videos in ESL classrooms.


μ 0 - There is no significant development in language acquisition while using silent videos

μ 1 - There is significant development in language acquisition while using silent videos

μ 2 - Writing autonomy is improved while using silent videos

Acquiring concepts


Learning vocabulary, phrases, and adjectives through this task


Logical arrangement of sentences contextually based on videos


Arrangement of words and choice of right words to depict a scene in a video.


Since the researchers are based in MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, a premier institution located in the southern rural part of Tamil Nadu, India, they chose the target and control members from their classes, as this pedagogy was formulated by the course instructors. Students with B1 proficiency levels were selected, and the target ESL group were first-year A section students of Mechanical Engineering, while the control group were first-year B section students of Computer Science and Engineering from the academic years 2018-2022, with each class consisting of 60 students, and with Convenient Sampling Methodology adopted. The research task nominated for this research was an extensive syllabus, on top of the regular course syllabus. A survey questionnaire was used as the measuring tool for the research analysis.

Ethical considerations

The students were clearly informed about the methodology, with the option to 'opt in' or 'opt out', meaning that the students were not forced to participate. The students were very interested in participating in the research, as it dealt with sports videos. As this task was carried out during a regular session, the students regarded it as an educational forum in which all 120 students participated. Providing demographic information by the students during the survey was optional, and the students were not forced to participate in the writing or testing part, but they willingly participated as their personal details were not collected anywhere throughout the research, and their results were not revealed to fellow students. They were clearly informed that the final results would be used solely for research purposes, although individually the results would be discussed with the respective students for improvement. There was no conflict of interest identified as the research was conducted solely within a selected group of students inside one institution. Further, as the study is an unexplored concept in the engineering stream, the researchers did not have any conflict of interest with already existing literature.

The teaching of vocabulary, phrases and adjectives

The students were given different exercises to learn 20 words, 15 phrases, and 15 adjectives in the classroom. A challenge faced by the teachers was to make the students comfortable with the above-mentioned vocabulary, phrases and adjectives, which where all entirely related to cricket, and which is why the students were given exercises for learning the vocabulary. The vocabulary was taught together with its meaning, and the students were encouraged to learn the same. The teachers used word games, worksheets, and multiple-choice questions for quick learning, and during the first class 20 words were taught followed by 15 phrases, and revision of the same was done during the second class, followed by 15 adjectives. This teaching process was adopted for both classes, and there were no restrictions as to how the students used the vocabulary, phrases, and adjectives they had already learned. They were also encouraged to use the familiar vocabulary, phrases, and adjectives.

Video usage

Fifteen-minute cricket videos were selected, with the same four videos selected and given to both groups. Since many students are fascinated with Dhoni's cricketing style, the researchers chose a video about this batter as the forum for creating interest. Initially, both teams were allowed to watch videos of Dhoni's cricketing with audio and subtitles. The students were asked to use headsets.

Following this, the control group was given a video with audio but without subtitles, with basic instructions that they had to answer the questions and prepare a sentence about the video as commentators. Each student was given a multimedia system for doing so.

For the target group, the same video of Dhoni's cricketing was played without audio. Here the students were not given headsets as they were not necessary, and there weren't any subtitles. These students were also asked to answer the questions and prepare a sentence about the video clip they had watched.

Assessment pattern

It is very difficult to access the students in the context of reading, which is why after watching the video the students were given the task to fill in the blanks for the lexical context. For the pragmatic context, the students were asked to write fifteen sentences while observing the videos, and for the syntactic context they were given multiple-choice cloze test questions. Despite being multiple-choice questions, the choice of the right words to identify from the given muted video proved challenging. For the control and target group a new video was played to assess their quality of writing. When assessing the lexical context, the total marks secured out of correct answer writing by both teams were taken into account. In terms of the pragmatic context, the usage of vocabulary, the complexity of sentence construction, usage of sports terms, adjectives, and phrases was analysed. If any three of the above appeared in the written answer, the answer received two points. Thirdly, for the syntactic context, selecting the right option gave one point. The total result in each test was analysed and compared between the two teams. However, the same course instructor needed to have access to all of them to avoid discrepancies in the writing assessment.


T-test Analysis

To identify the significance of the study one-sample t-test was done for the control group and the target group, with SPSS software used for the analysis. The reliability and validity of the following data pertained only to the target group specified.

Control Group Statistics

Table 1
Comparison of control group pre- and post-tests

  Statistic Bootstrap
Bias Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
Cont. Pre N 9        
Mean 20.0000 0.5278 3.9295 12.4657 30.4191
Std. Deviation 13.75682 -0.31061 1.62298 9.58208 15.74583
Std. Error Mean 4.58561        
Cont. Post N 9        
Mean 20.0000 0.2148 2.1351 15.5106 25.3031
Std. Deviation 7.22842 -0.20772 1.00755 4.07835 9.00006
Std. Error Mean 2.40947        

Source: authors' own work.

The one-sample t-test conducted between the pre and post-test of the control group showed that the standard deviation had considerably dropped from 13.76 to 7.23, and the standard deviation error had fallen from 4.59 to 2.41. This is a clear indication of the impact of the usage of the tool.

Table 2
Comparison of control group pre- and post-tests (t-test)

  Test Value = 15
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
Cont Pre 1.090 8 0.307 5.00000 -5.5744 15.5744
Cont Post 2.075 8 0.072 5.00000 -0.5563 10.5563

Source: authors' own work.

Table 2 clearly shows that the level of significance attained decreased from 0.307 to 0.072. The rise of the t-value is also significant, as it rose from 1.09 to 2.075 These results are also very significant.

Table 3
Comparison of target group pre- and post-tests

  Statistic Bootstrap
Bias Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Upper
TarPre N 9        
Mean 20.0000 -0.5444 4.2926 11.2222 29.5825
Std. Deviation 12.45994 -1.27091 2.73475 3.08926 15.10277
Std. Error Mean 4.15331        
TarPost N 9        
Mean 18.8889 -0.0611 1.1871 16.2884 20.5792
Std. Deviation 3.21887 -0.35147 0.97219 1.42004 4.45101
Std. Error Mean 1.07296        

Source: authors' own work.

Table 3 represents the statistical analysis of the pre-test and post-test scores of the target group. The standard deviation significantly fell from 12.459 to 3.23, and the Standard Error Mean dropped from 4.15 to 1.07. This shows the significant impact of the teaching tool on ESL students.

Table 4
Comparison of target group pre- and post-tests (t-test)

  Test Value = 15
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
TarPre 1.204 8 0.263 5.00000 -4.5776 14.5776
TarPost 3.624 8 0.007 3.88889 1.4146 6.3631

Source: authors' own work.

Table 4 shows that the t-value considerably increased from the pre-test to the post-test, with a score from 1.204 to 3.624. The level of significance is remarkable, plummeting from 0.263 to 0.007. The mean difference fell from 5.00 to 3.88. This is an interesting phenomenon in the case of teaching methods, as it proves the success of this teaching aid.

By comparing the t-value and significance level of the control and target group, a research hypothesis can be identified. In the control group, the t-value increased from 1.090 to 2.075 in the scores of pre and post-test respectively, while it increased from 1.204 to 3.624 among the target members in their pre and post-scores. This rise in the t-value represents the significance of the usage of silent videos compared to audio videos in the classroom. Furthermore, the significance level attained in the pre and post-test is from 0.307 to 0.072 in the controlled group. While this is significant in the control group, the target group's significance was reduced, from 0.263 to 0.007, which proves the hypothesis.

By providing an edutainment forum, the researchers could identify the impact of silent videos on learners. Both silent and audio videos had a significant impact on the students, but the impact is higher with the silent videos.

The measurements shown below are sample sizes converted to numbers to avoid data loss, which applies to all six figures. In Figures 1 to 6, series 1 represents the pre-test and series 2 represents the post-test.

Figure 1
Comparative statistics of pre and post-test of the target group - Lexical

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 1 represents the comparative statistics of pre and post-test of the target group in terms of lexical content. It clearly shows that in the target group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 31 in the pre-test, while this reduced considerably in the post-test to just 19. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly. For the pre-test this was 15, whereas for the post-test it rose to 23. In the pre-test, the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 saw a marginal rise from 14 to 18. Overall, the lexical content of the students regarding the usage of vocabulary, phrases, and adjectives is depicted to have a significant impact on the usage of silent videos.

Figure 2
Comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the control group - Lexical

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 2 represents the comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the control group in terms of lexical content. Fig. 2 clearly shows that in the controlled group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 40 in the pre-test, whereas it reduced considerably in the post-test to just over 30. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly. In the pre-test this is 11, whereas in the post-test it rose to 19. In the pre-test the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 saw a marginal rise from 9 to 11. Overall, the lexical content of the students regarding the usage of vocabulary, phrases, and adjectives is depicted to have a significant impact on the usage of videos with audio enabled, which clearly shows how the students are stimulated to act and write independently while using silent videos in the classroom.

Figure 3
Comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the target group - Pragmatic

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 3 represents the comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the target group in terms of pragmatic content. It clearly shows that in the target group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 43 in the pre-test, whereas it reduced considerably in the post-test to 21. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly. In the pre-test this was 9, whereas in the post-test it rose to 18. In the pre-test the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 marginally rose from 8 to 21. Overall, the pragmatic content of the students about the usage of proper sentence order to explain the silent video showed a remarkable improvement.

Figure 4
Comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the control group - Pragmatic

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 4 represents the comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the controlled group in terms of pragmatic content. It clearly shows that in the control group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 37 in the pre-test, whereas it reduced considerably in the post-test to 27. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly. In the pre-test this was 16, whereas in the post-test it rose to 21. However, in the pre-test the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 saw a marginal rise from 7 to 12. Overall, the pragmatic content of the students concerning the usage of proper sentence order to explain the video significantly improved, although less than in the target group.

Figure 5
Comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the target group - Syntactic

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 5 represents the comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the target group in terms of syntactic content. It is clearly visible that in the target group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 33 in the pre-test, whereas it reduced considerably in the post-test to 12. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly - in the pre-test it was 16, whereas in the post-test it rose to 21. In the pre-test the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 showed a rise from 11 to 17. Overall, the pragmatic content of the students regarding the usage of appropriate words in the right context to explain the video was analysed, showing a rocketing trend.

Figure 6
Comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the control group - Syntactic

Source: authors' own work.

Figure 6 represents the comparative statistics of the pre and post-test of the control group in terms of syntactic content. It clearly shows that in the control group the number of students who scored between 0-5 is 37 in the pre-test, whereas it reduced considerably in the post-test to 29. Similarly, the number of students who secured between 6 and 10 rose significantly - in the pre-test it was 13, whereas in the post-test it rose to 16. In the pre-test, the number of students who scored between 11 and 15 showed a rise from 10 to 15. Overall, the pragmatic content of the students regarding the usage of appropriate words in the right context to explain the video rose significantly, however slightly less than in the target group.


We performed an analysis comparing the scores of the pre and post-test for the control group as well as the target group (refer to Appendix, Table 5 & 6). In the lexical context, the difference between the pre- and post-test for the range between 0 and 5 is 12 and 10 (refer to Appendix, Table 6). The higher the number in this range, the better the results. As this is the difference between the pre and post-test, the number of students who secured between 0-5 in the pre-test dropped considerably in the post-test. As the numbers between the two tests are high in both groups, the results are also high. Furthermore, this is a great result for the target group, as the difference in number in the score value is high compared to the control group that used the silent video. This is applicable to the pragmatic and syntactic classifications range between 6 and 10, as well as between 11 and 15. The above results show that both methods are good, but it is more significant in the case of the target group. In the range from 6 to 10, it is clear that for all three concepts that the students with the best results are in the target group. It is also clear that both the patterns have an impact, although this is more so in the case of the silent videos. In the range between 11 and 15 the students who achieved maximum scores in all three classifications are from the target group. Although the difference is minimal, a slight upward trend is visible in the target group.

Table 7 (refer to Appendix) represents the difference in students' numbers in terms of the pre-and post-tests in the target and control groups regarding lexical, pragmatic, and syntactic classification. The students who watched the silent videos achieved maximum scores. Table 8 (refer to Appendix) represents the choice of the number of students who opted for the questionnaire survey. Almost 50-60 percent of the class accepted the impact of the silent videos on positive grounds. After following the above procedures, the researchers analysed the control group once again, giving the students in the control group another task, once again with a silent video - to identify their way of answering as well as to sense the degree of comfort comparatively. The control group students provided feedback representing their choice of videos, with another questionnaire to compare audio and silent videos as well as to rate the usage of silent videos. Furthermore, they were also given the same questionnaire as the target students, to get a good understanding of their part. It is interesting that these students also provided favourable comments about the silent videos. The survey (refer to Appendix, Table 9), clearly shows that the majority of the students responded positively towards the usage of silent videos in the classroom. More than 50% of the class in the control group agrees that silent videos enhance their creativity compared to audio. Secondly, the feedback to the second question emphasises the fact that silent videos are good compared to audio, which is clearly shown by more than 55% of the students. Thirdly, the students agreed that the interest created by silent videos is high compared to audio. Furthermore, the students informed that they feel that they gain a higher confidence level compared to audio. Similarly, more than 25 students agreed that active learning is promoted using silent videos.

Table 10 represents the feedback of the control group (who watched audio videos in the first phase), who watched a silent video as their second task. Their feedback also shows that they are highly interested in using silent videos as a different approach to language learning. From the feedback it can be identified that 21 students praised it to be an excellent method, while 32 students said it was good (refer to Appendix, Table 11). Overall, 88.33% of the target students found this practice to be fruitful. The data derived from the questionnaire shows the students' positive view of the research model. The data in Table 12, derived from the questionnaire given to the control group after watching the silent video, also reflects the positive approach to the research model. The consistency in the development of scores in terms of the pragmatic, syntactic and lexical context also reflects the efficacious nature of this research. The reliability of silent videos in the classroom is very positive from the perspective of the users. Table 12 (refer to the Appendix) shows that the students who opt for good and excellent usage of silent videos are relatively more than those praising the usage of audio materials. The overall comparison shows that both the target and control groups opt for silent videos as an effective language-learning tool.

Hypotheses - proving

From the survey carried out, it is clear that both silent videos and audio are good at incorporating language skills in the lexical, pragmatic, and syntactic concepts, and the analysis clearly shows that language acquisition is done effectively using silent videos, hence the null hypothesis stating that "There is no significant development in language acquisition while using silent videos" is rejected. Furthermore, the survey makes it evident that the students gain language competence using silent videos, thereby the first hypothesis, which says that "There is a significant development in language acquisition while using silent videos" is proved. Additionally, as the silent videos create an autonomous sense of writing, it is stated that the second hypothesis "The autonomy in writing is improved while using silent videos" is also proved.


This study is confined to only silent cricket videos, and has not been applied to any movies or talks so far. This experimental study was carried out in a premier institution in the rural part of Tamilnadu, India. The reliability, assessment, and validity are subject to change depending on the cognitive level of the various target groups, as well as the choice of video, and the researchers do not assure that the same results will be gained with other students. The assessment in terms of pragmatic and syntactic acquiring concepts needs more focus, as the same examiner must examine both the target and the control groups' answers to maintain consistency in awarding marks based on sentence formation and choice of words respectively, especially that the assessment of paragraph writing demands more focus from the teachers' side, as it has to be done by the same person in the pre- and post-tests and for the control and target students. However, the results could vary depending on the video usage, listening environment, cognitive level of students, and understanding by faculty and assessment procedures.


Videos are among the best tools used for language development. Students who pay poor attention to lecture delivery are captivated by video usage with minimum digression. Though the videos enhance the audience's attention and understanding, they provide a sluggish environment when the students are forced to write answers for the follow-up questions, hence the researchers identified this gap and analysed and discussed at length the usage of silent videos to enhance the student's language learning ability by responding to silent videos. The research proves through empirical data that the usage of silent videos simulates interest in language learning. Enriched vocabulary, careful and logical arrangement of sentences, as well as choosing the right words, are outcomes of the usage of these silent videos, especially in terms of sports videos. It is clearly shown that audio videos provide a good learning forum for second language learning, and the usage of silent videos is also highly helpful in language learning. Irrespective of the actual video, this research clearly shows that silent videos are among the most effective tools for language learning, and could be used as an assessment tool to test language proficiency, while learning autonomously and creative thinking are outcomes of the usage of silent videos. Furthermore, it provides a forum for creativity among learners. The application of the learned concept without dependency on subtitles and audio impacts their choice of words and enhances their writing skills. The autonomous emergence and self-reliant attitude are salient outcomes of the usage of silent videos. Compulsion on the one hand, and interest on the other, have created a lively forum for language learning using silent videos. However, the application of silent videos has limitations, especially in terms of pragmatic context assessments. If MCQs are given, assessment is very easy. The assessment of paragraphs and sentences demands a lot of instructions for evaluators in order to carefully and eliminate subjective evaluation. Future researchers can work on how silent videos could be used as a stress buster, a self-learning strategy, and shedding new light on a topic-based curriculum. Additionally, future researchers could explore the opportunity to use animated videos without audio among school children, and could assess their creativity outcome in terms of language acquisition. Researchers can further explore the creative outcome of using silent videos among teacher trainers and young adults in higher secondary schools.




Gangalakshmi Chermakani

The author currently works as Selection Grade Assistant Professor of English & HOD, Department of English, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu. She has 15 years of teaching experience at various institutions, and has published two books and registered four copyrights. She has cleared BEC examination (Higher) and TESOL Expert. In addition, she shares her excellence as a Reviewer, Resource person, Editorial Board Member, Expert member, and Language and Soft skills trainer. Furthermore, she is an eminent scholar in the field of English Language and Literature and has published various research articles in Scopus and UGC care indexed journals.

Saranraj Loganathan

The author currently works as Assistant Professor of English, Department of English, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, and has around 9 years of teaching experience and 2 years of research experience. He has published 14 research papers and three books, and is an eminent scholar with much research potential in the field of English Language teaching with empirical statistics.

Ebenezar Sam Paul Rajasekaran

The author is a seasoned communications expert with six years of language teaching experience in technical institutions. He is passionately involved in developing curriculum for soft skills training sessions organised at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College. Furthermore, he is pursuing his PhD at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai in the field of Graphic Narratives.

Vishwalingam Murugan Sujetha

The author completed his UG in Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education and his PG in The American College Madurai. Having qualified for UGC NET, he is currently pursuing his PhD as a part-time scholar at Bharathiar University Coimbatore. Since April 2021 he has been working at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College as Assistant Professor of English. He is good at translation, public speaking and Soft skill training.

Oswin Barnabas Vasanthakumar Stephesn

The author is a young researcher in English Literature with specifications in Diaspora studies, Medical Humanities and Disability studies. He has been serving in the teaching field as an Assistant professor for more than four years.


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Jak cytować

Chermakani, G., Loganathan, S., Rajasekaran, E. S. P., Sujetha, V. M., & Stephesn, O., B., V. (2023). Language learning using muted or wordless videos - A creativity-based edutainment learning forum. e-mentor, 2(99), 22-30.


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