Social responsibility at a university - students' perspectives
Albena Vutsova, Martina Arabadzhieva, Todor Yalamov
This paper explores social responsibility training as part of university educational programmes. The authors compare French and Bulgarian students' perceptions of various elements of social responsibility and how social responsibility is approached in universities' curricula. Bulgarian students see social responsibility more often in terms of volunteer work, charitable activities and career opportunities, while French students associate it with environmental aspects. The only statistically significant gender difference in Bulgaria emerged in linking improving working conditions with social responsibility. French students placed stronger emphasis on business and the possible practical applications of social responsibility training offered by universities.
Keywords: business, students, sustainability, university, social responsibility, teaching methods
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 45-55.
How to cite
Vutsova, A., Arabadzhieva, M., &Yalamov. T. (2023). Social responsibility at a university - students' perspectives. e-mentor, 4(101), 45-55.
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