Education without aptitude: mismatched vocational personalities for professional placements

Fayyaz Ahmed Faize, Waqar Husain


Selecting academic fields at university level reflects career interests, which must be aligned with vocational personalities to avoid job dissatisfaction in the future. Since no earlier studies were conducted in Pakistan to investigate the compatibility between vocational personalities and career interests of university students, the current study aims to address this knowledge gap for the first time in the country. The study also highlights the role of aptitude testing before being enrolled in a university. As a quantitative survey, the study administered the O*Net Interest Profiler on 1503 conveniently selected graduating male and female students at different universities in Pakistan, with the analysis of vocational personalities based on Holland's RIASEC codes. The results show that students of pure sciences, social sciences, architecture, fine arts, and psychology choose academic disciplines in alignment with their vocational personalities. Students of computer sciences, management sciences, electrical engineering, accounting & finance, and mathematics, however, do not select their academic fields in alignment with their vocational personalities. The studied male students were significantly more realistic, enterprising and conventional, whereas the female students were significantly more investigative, artistic and social. The study suggests that stakeholders should provide aptitude testing and career counseling at school and college levels to obtain the best human resources for the country.

Keywords: career interests, vocational personality, academic disciplines, aptitude, career counseling, Pakistan


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Fayyaz Ahmed Faize

The author has a doctorate in Education. He has extensive work experience in pedagogy and teacher training. His areas of interests include science education, learning and instruction and higher education research. He has undertaken various research projects and published over 50 research publications in international journals. He presented as a keynote and invited speaker in more than 20 international conferences. He is the member of various national and international societies and is on the editorial board of several international journals. His present research endeavors are focused on higher education research and application of scientific argumentation in teaching in Pakistani context.

Waqar Husain

The author is a distinguished Psychologist from Pakistan. With an impressive array of qualifications including a PhD, an MPhil, and an MSc in Clinical Psychology, coupled with over 25 years of invaluable experience in research, teaching, and clinical practice, he has been working on several pioneering constructs within the philosophy and science of psychology. He has labeled his work as 'Natural Psychology' which is the 'Sensory & Ultimate Knowledge On Observing Nature - SUKOON'. Dr. Husain is currently working as Tenured Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Humanities of COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. Further details can be obtained through his website

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How to cite

Faize, F. A., & Husain, W. (2024). Education without aptitude: mismatched vocational personalities for professional placements. e-mentor, 4(106), 13-21.