Assessment Center as a developmental method - applying Assessment Center in the career advice for individuals planning entering the labor market

Tomasz Jankowski


Transformation of the labor market increases the role of the competence in building a successful career. Career advice in the changing and uncertain reality faces the challenge of expanding the catalog of new working tools for the diagnosis of competence as well as their development. It is important that implemented method were understood by employers and were part of the preparation for specific professional tasks. The purpose of the article is to examine the rules of conducting the assessment center in career advice for people entering the labor market. The characteristic of at the Assessment Center, presented in the study, allows to recognize it as a learning process for adults - not just for students. First part of the article addresses the key features that should characterize a session of the Assessment Center. Then, the author discusses some elements of the process of creating and implementing a session and provides an example of a development project carried out in the office careers of Nicolaus Copernicus University in 2009-2013. The support obtained through this process is particularly focused on the identification of the areas related to the effectiveness of performing professional duties, which makes AC an important working tool for careers advisers, on condition that they are provided with the much larger resources (such as time, an adequate organizational structure unit in charge of counseling , etc.) than it is in case of traditional careers offices.




Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń