Employees' readiness for learning and development during the organizational change process - selected aspects
Andrzej Różański
Employees have to meet the growing requirements of modern industry. Emphasis is put on their readiness to learn quickly, be open-minded and develop their qualifications and skills including the ability to find relevant information.
The goal of the present study was to diagnose the level of selected features in employees' readiness for learning during the organizational change in the workplace.
The research makes use of GPUR Andrzej Różański 2012 scale, the five-point Likert scale which measures the intensity of the readiness to learn and develop among the selected employee categories. The scaling was made in six subscales. The largest differences between the selected employee categories were found in the range of scales relating to: the level of perceived professional mobility (a higher level among younger and better educated employees; a lower level among lower educated and older (50+) employees), the level of identification with the organization's goals (a higher level among managers and older (50+) employees). Lower range results among managers were found in “the demand for professional information” subscale, which can be worrying because insufficient employees' learning activity may result in lower innovative potential of the organisation.
The results confirmed that some features, such as employee's age or position held, determine the level of employees' readiness for learning and their pro-development orientation in the workplace. The results obtained in each of the subscales will help to plan and design effective intervention steps to be taken, especially in the area of constructing effective instruments to enhance employee engagement in the process of organisational change.
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AUTHOR![]() Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin |
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