Dear "e-mentor" Readers,

It's my pleasure to present to you the first in this academic year issue of the magazine. At the same time I would like to invite you to participate in the first Congress of Development in Education, which will be a gathering of those who are concerned about changing the Polish education in a way that it could better fulfill the needs of contemporary learners. The event is based on the experience gained during the 10 years of the conference "The development of e-learning in higher education of economics" ( but its scope and the forms of active participation have been significantly extended.

During the meeting we will try to answer several important questions that are frequently asked in "e-mentor", such as: what are the current trends in global education, what is the possible level of education openness, how do the others teach, how does the Polish education change, how is the idea of lifelong learning implemented by the Polish universities, as well as: how to wisely use the modern technologies in teaching and learning?

The event is organized by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education in collaboration with the Universities of Economics in Cracow, Katowice, Poznań and Wrocław as well as the Warsaw School of Economics. The Congress’s dates are 12th (workshops) and 13th (debates and discussions) of November 2014 and the venue is the University of Economics in Katowice. The detailed programme and the registration form are available at

Chief editor
Marcin Dąbrowski