International on-line debate as an educational project

Małgorzata Rosalska, Jakub Wierzbicki


On-line debate is one of many proposals of using new technologies in educational process. Due to it's form, it allows to implement different educational aims. In the assumptions adopted by the authors, on-line debate is understood mainly as sharing different perspectives on analyzed phenomena and processes. The article presents the possibilities of using international on-line debate as educational project in teaching process on the level of higher education. The authors presented both theoretical and practical premises of an effective use of this form of teaching. The attention was drawn to the possibility of using this form of education in relation to the National Qualifications Framework for higher education. Exemplified by the project 'The bridge across the Atlantic', the possibilities of using on-line debate in the process of developing broadly defined students' competencies were presented. Particular attention was paid to the possibility of using on-line debate to develop information literacy, linguistic competencies, intercultural and project management competencies. The article presents experience and conclusions gained in three editions of on-line debate, in which students from Poland, USA and Canada have participated. Also, the stages of preparation, implementation and evaluation of on-line debate in the context of the rules and procedures of project management were indicated.


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Małgorzata Rosalska
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

Jakub Wierzbicki
University of Gdańsk

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 31-36.

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How to cite

M. Rosalska, J. Wierzbicki, Międzynarodowa debata on-line jako projekt edukacyjny, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 4 (56), s. 31-36,