The relations between science and industry

Anna Marszałek


Economy and knowledge are closely intertwined in the knowledge-based economy. Scientific knowledge as a result of conducted research should significantly react on the market demand. The driving force behind the knowledge-based economy is shaping mutual relations among all the actors involved in the process of its creation. What's more, those actors contribute to the value-added formation. Above all, each side of the partnership should know the reasons why it is built and what benefits could be derived from it. Analyses show that Poland has great scientific potential and fairly good infrastructure. What is needed is the accelerator which could free the inner force. That possibility, not only for scientists but also for entrepreneurs, could be a call for proposals „Tango” which offers wide range of possibilities for commercialization of the results of conducted basic research.


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Anna Marszałek
National Science Center Poland

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 44-53.

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How to cite

A. Marszałek, Relacje między światem nauki i przemysłu, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 4 (56), s. 44-53,