The conseqences of dynamic BPM
Marek Szelągowski
The article presents the original process perspective on organizations in terms of their approach to knowledge management and use of intellectual capital. The purpose of this article is to propose solutions to the problems of large organizations resulting from too much heaviness in adapting to changing customer requirements. The article analyzes the effects of enlargement on the traditional business process management in accordance with the concept of dynamic BPM, such as better use of intellectual capital, a radical increase of flexibility, continuous development of the knowledge that can be used in practice as well as the continuous sharing of knowledge. Using IT tools and technologies such as BPM, ACM, Process Mining and Social BPM for practical implementation of dynamic BPM, organizations achieve a significant improvement of the efficiency of current operations and the ability to build a sustainable competitive advantage.
The article emphasizes the fact that the basis of the concept and success of dynamic BPM is not IT technology. IT systems can facilitate the work, but they cannot provide creativity nor flexibility of the work. The basis is to enable the operation of the whole intellectual capital of the company, working and sharing of knowledge in the implementation of the process for the clients.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 61-68.
How to cite
M. Szelągowski, Konsekwencje dynamic BPM, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 4 (56), s. 61-68,
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