Congress of Development in Education - the gathering of the academic community
Marcin Dąbrowski, Jerzy M. Mischke, Dorota Piotrowska, Maria Zając, Wojciech Zieliński
The article is a report from that Congress of Development in Education that was held on 12-13 November 2014 at the University of Economics in Katowice. The event is organized by the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education in collaboration with the Universities of Economics in Cracow, Katowice, Poznań and Wrocław as well as the Warsaw School of Economics. It was based on the experience gained during the 10 years of the conference "The development of e-learning in higher education of economics" (, yet its scope and the forms of active participation have been significantly extended.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 5-8.
How to cite
M. Dąbrowski, J.M. Mischke, D. Piotrowska, M. Zając, W. Zieliński, Kongres Rozwoju Edukacji - spotkanie środowiska akademickiego, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 5 (57), s. 58,