The study of polish consumer's online brand-related activities
Bruno Schivinski, Magdalena Brzozowska-Woś
The development of new online trends, particularly the Web 2.0, has caused a social engagement growth of internet users and, as a result, further development of social networking channels and other different types of interactive platforms. The internet encourages consumers to interact with web sites, and through them with other users. It also enables them to create content on any subject, as for instance, associated with brands and products. consequently, generating a valuable source of information and research area for organizations.
This study aims to identify the involvement of Polish Internet users with consumer's online brand related activities (COBRA). Concerning this issue, the authors investigated a total of 2253 Internet users in an exploratory study revealing the intensity of their participation in 31 activities ranging from low to high engagement. It turned out that polish consumers are more willing to engage into activities belonging to the consuming COBRA type, rather than to the ones pertinent to the creating COBRA type.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 77-85.
How to cite
B. Schivinski, M. Brzozowska-Woś, Badanie aktywności online polskich konsumentów dotyczącej marek, "e-mentor" 2015, nr 2(59), s. 77-85,
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