Good practices in library projects realized in financial perspective 2007-2013 and prognosis for the future - the seminar summary

Julita Niedźwiecka-Ambroziak


Library directors and experts presented their experiences with writing ministerial applications and implementation of EU projects. Also discussed projects at the local, regional and national levels: digital collections, repositories, investments related with the development of IT infrastructure and modernization of the local computer network.

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 23-24.

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How to cite

J. Niedźwiecka-Ambroziak, Dobre praktyki w realizacji projektów bibliotecznych w perspektywie finansowej 2007–2013 i prognozy na przyszłość – relacja z seminarium, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 3(60), s. 23-24,