Performance dashboards as a tool for monitoring the results of students learning process
Piotr Ziuziański, Małgorzata Furmankiewicz, Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz
The aim of this article is to introduce essence of performance dashboards and present possibility of its usage in the field of education, with particular emphasis on the monitoring of student learning progress. Dashboard is an useful Business Intelligence tool for integration and visualization of data, often using the data warehouses. It is an interactive, intuitive, convenient and transparent graphical monitoring tool. Dashboards with its advantages can be successfully used in educational institutions such as for instance: schools, colleges, training centers etc. Dashboards are designed to support decision-making process through sharing condensed information to policy makers through the presentation of key performance indicators. Authors identified and described two main contexts of monitoring the performance of e-learning: monitoring the progress of students by teachers and self-monitoring of progress in courses by students. Authors presented several examples of dashboards that were used in the field of education. Dashboard has been presented also as an useful graphical analytical interface based on data from Learning Management Systems (LMS), which have also been briefly defined.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 31-41.
How to cite
P. Ziuziański, M. Furmankiewicz, A. Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, Kokpity menedżerskie jako narzędzie monitorowania efektów kształcenia studentów, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 3(60), s. 31-41,
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