Problems faced by teachers engaged in distance learning - results of qualitative field study
Piotr Chomczyński
The paper encompasses the results of research referring to problems faced by teachers engaged in distance learning. Their experiences closely connected with development of this method of knowledge transfer are discussed. The mentioned examples linked with e-learning activities given by practicians and researchers confirm that teachers' experiences directly affect their motivation which is the crucial condition for development of distance learning. There is also very important support given to teachers engaged in e-learning. The result of study presented in the article bases on qualitative field study encompassing ten educational centers in Poland.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 42-47.
How to cite
P. Chomczyński, Problemy nauczycieli zaangażowanych w kształcenie na odległość wyniki terenowych badań jakościowych, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 3(60), s. 42-47,
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