Entrepreneurship and education towards entrepreneurship from the perspective of the preschool teachers and pedagogy students at the University of Wroclaw
Marta Kondracka-Szala
Undertaking the matter of entrepreneurship and education towards entrepreneurship comes across as essential due to contemporary objectives of education, namely, to equip with this crucial competence. Empirical activities in this regard should fill in the existing deficit, helping in clarification of these notions. It is significant particularly with reference to the preschool education as a stage when children deal with the set of crucial competences and, in consequence, with reference to current and future teachers of nursery schools. The aim of the research was to explore the ways of understanding the notions of „entrepreneurship”, „enterprising person”, and „education of entrepreneurship” and assessment of the experiences of the researched in this regard. The research embraced Internet questionnaire. The examined persons most often understand the entrepreneurship in a wider context, as the set of life-long competences, not only in a narrow, economic meaning. Moreover, majority of respondents consider themselves as enterprising persons, despite the fact that in their reception they were not given enough opportunities to do so during their formal education, particularly at the stage of their studies. The researched rather explicitly stress the need to educate future teachers of preschools and children within entrepreneurship, a competence useful in life, regardless of profession etc. Empirical analyses of this area has cognitive and utilitarian significance, as it predominantly exposes the issue of entrepreneurships from a rarely expressed perspective. In the future it can equally contribute to the improvement of the quality of educating future teachers of nursery schools and the level of educating pre-school children towards entrepreneurship.
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em62.1212
The article is in the printed version on pages 4-14.
How to cite
M. Kondracka-Szala, Przedsiębiorczość i edukacja ku przedsiębiorczości z perspektywy nauczycielek przedszkola oraz studentek pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 5(62), s. 4-15, http://dx.doi.org/10.15219/em62.1212.
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