The nature and importance of cultural intelligence in the context of higher education process
Anna Jadwiga Piwowarczyk
Among challenges of the coming century are: growing multiculturalism, internationalization, globalization and glocalization. One of the biggest ones concerning modern education is preparing young people for living in this culturally diverse society - where we are increasingly dealing with differences not only in cultural artifacts, but also in the values and standards. Modern university, open and internationalized, should show how to learn, how to cooperate, how to professionally exist and how to find a way in such a multicultural society. The internationalization of a higher education requires more elaborate and complex pedagogical approaches in order to make a use of the multi-ethnic student groups and to allow each student's own intercultural competence the development of. This article presents conditions of education in a multicultural society and defines the concept of cultural intelligence. This category might help in becoming effective in different cultural conditions, in understanding foreign cultures and also in adopting standards and mastering the unfamiliar rules of conduct. According to this research, cultural intelligence is a major determinant of cultural condition that guarantees success in functioning at the crossroads of cultures. The rest of this article shows the structure of a theoretical model of cultural intelligence consisting of four areas: motivational, cognitive, behavioral and metacognitive. Analysis of literature and empirical research results suggest that college graduates with a high level of cultural intelligence largely determines successes of companies operating in a global environment. Therefore, universities should focus on improving the cultural intelligence of students by offered program, methods and forms of teaching, and also by evaluating learning outcomes.
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