Stakeholders of a socially engaged court
Przemysław Banasik
Stakeholder identification and analysis in the context of a single court has not yet been extensively studied. This paper fills that obvious gap. A preliminary identification of court's stakeholders, determined using criteria such as economic transactions, nature of relationships, level of involvement and risk was presented in the book: Management of the judiciary - towards a coherent system and value-creating governance. The present study sums up the basic principles of the stakeholder theory, introduces the definition of a court's stakeholder and seeks to answer who the stakeholders of a single court are, what the nature of those relationships is and what opportunities and threats they imply. An initial analysis of the stakeholders' impact and the level of their dependency on the court has also been performed. Knowing who the stakeholders are and what their interests are, how they express their demands and how they can affect the court is vital for its efficient management. Basic research methods provided by the study include literature research and empirical analysis involving the utilization of existing data.
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