Methods of risk management in implementation of innovative technical products
Ludmiła Walaszczyk
In the process of developing innovative technical products it is difficult to constantly assess those products considering the factors influencing the possibility of their implementation into economy. The aim of the article is to propose the methodology to assess risk management during implementation of innovative technical products designed by both, research institutions and enterprises. The problems linked with the implementation of the products were identified. The author also identified key risk groups and undesirable situations. Moreover, the way to determine the probability of undesirable situations occurrence was indicated. The proposed methodology was verified based on more than 100 innovative technical products from Innovative Systems of Technical Support for Sustainable Development of Economy Strategic Research Programme. Strong and weak points of the methodology were identified. Among advantages, the possibility of assessing in different timeframes and applying homogeneous criteria of the assessment were pointed. The lack of possibility to obtain aggregated result and inability of full result objectivity due to the use of semi-quantitative method were recognized.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 34-43.
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