Negative consequences of educational participation in the opinions of adult learners
Aleksandra Litawa, Zofia Szarota
The article concerns the adverse consequences of adult learning, problems accompanying that process and burdens resulting from it. The authors carried out research, which aim was to give the answers to the following questions: Do the adult learners perceive their cognitive activity as a reason for neglecting the other areas of their lives? What are their opinions on the consequences of such activity for personal and professional life? What problems are linked to adults' participation in organized (non-formal) education? The sample of 189 educationally active adults being surveyed was recruited from the participants of: postgraduate studies, instruction and methodical workshops and a training course. The outcomes of the poll show that only one quarter of respondents declared the lack of any problems resulting from their educational involvement. The vast majority of the group admitted facing various types of negative consequences of such activity. Problems arising due to their learning may affect many spheres of peoples' lives: their family life and social relationships, their leisure time and health condition as well as their private budgets.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 55-63.
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