Certificate Programs in Computer Networks, Security, and Cloud Computing in the USA - A Review
Andrzej J. Gapinski
The objective of the article is to review certificate programs in computer networks and computer security which are currently offered by many educational institutions and various organizations in the USA. Due to an increased role played by computer networks and cybersecurity, the certificate programs contents and scopes are being augmented to incorporate new area of interest such as cloud computing and its services to meet market expectations and demands. The article describes new cyber- security threats posed by the growing use of cloud computing services and the related cloud computing certification programs. An analysis of the certifications held by U.S. workforce including STEM occupations is provided. The article presents an analysis of the certificate programs offerings and their contents that are offered by various public as well as private organizations and institutions including higher education. The article, in addition, describes the authors activities while developing the certificate program in the area of computer networks, cybersecurity, and cloud computing currently under consideration at The Pennsylvania State University Fayette Campus.
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em71.1313
The article is in the printed version on pages 64-78.
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