Financial education as a display of social responsibility of banking institution
Dorota Bednarska-Olejniczak
Banks are organisations actively involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Due to their knowledge and ability to share it, financial education is a particularly important element of their social responsibility. However, in practice, it can be realised in various ways - directed towards different recipients, realised via different tools, conducted continuously or on an ad hoc basis, targeted at various goals. Therefore, a question arises: Is financial education a part of CSR (concerning banks) at all? If so, how should it be implemented to be effective; should it be viewed as a tool facilitating customers' acquisition? The aim of the article is to present financial education implemented by banks, define its place in CSR. In particular, we analyse related activities undertaken by the Japanese bank Mizuho. Because of its comprehensive and strategic conduct of financial education within CSR, while clearly distinguishing and separating it from business education, this bank constitutes an example of good practice. The paper includes desk research study involving analysis of subject literature on the topics of social responsibility in business, banking, financial education, marketing, and the analysis of source materials from websites of selected organizations and Mizuho Bank. Proper planning and effective implementation of financial education activities requires it to be included in the overall bank's CSR strategy and encompass people at all life stages. It is necessary to define the specificity of individual groups of recipients, specify type and level of knowledge they need, and adapt the educational tools.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 42-47.
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