Effectiveness of educational activities in the field of finance: a case study of the programme "Finance for the young - how to earn, invest and save money in the future"
Dariusz Piotrowski, Anna Iwona Piotrowska
The diverse and complicated nature of financial products makes it increasingly difficult to view the world of finance as user friendly. The problem of low financial awareness among Poles is important and should be primarily solved at the level of high-school education, which comes directly before adulthood and is the last stage of formal education for a certain part of teenagers. This gives rise to a need to carry out educational activities in the scope of behaviour in the financial markets covering both school-level education and non-formal education. Depending on the quality of formal education, out-of-school education may be a method to mitigate the lack of knowledge or an attractive form of presenting the topics discussed in school.
The paper analyses the results of an educational project of the Polish Economic Society, Bydgoszcz Branch, regarding conscious and responsible saving and investing addressed at upper-secondary school students from the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship. The authors attempted at determining effectiveness of this form of after-school education in terms of reducing the deficit in teenagers' knowledge in the field of personal finance.
The training programme resulted in an increase in the subjective assessment of knowledge in the field of personal finance. Students' declarations were confirmed by the results of tests of economic knowledge. Therefore, it may be assumed that the programme addressed at students in upper-secondary education was quite efficient.
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em72.1326
The article is in the printed version on pages 36-41.
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