The assessment model of the quality of realized subjects in blended learning mode
Adam Stecyk
The strategic importance of education in the national economy, the emergence of new demands with regard to the effects of education, use of information and communication technology to collect and distribute knowledge and teaching paradigms, they all determine the nature and ways of functioning of Polish educational entities. The article presents a pro-quality approach to blended learning issues, with particular emphasis on the integration of educational, social and economic objectives. The aim of the article is to identify the key factors determining the level of quality of teaching within four dimensions: infrastructural, organizational, methodical and social. Proposed model was built based on a systemic approach to teaching processes, that takes into account the methods of analyzing issues of quality and using statistical tools. The tests on quality level in blended learning mode carried out in years 2015 to 2017 for the three selected subjects taught at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Service at the University of Szczecin can serve as an implementation example of the model. Presented results, on the one hand are the characterization of the quality of educational services in the selected area, on the other hand, are the starting point for implementation of the evaluation procedure for continuous improvement of quality factors for individual learning processes. Positive review of the proposed model can be a starting point for its use in other educational entities or educational units. Flexibility of the model, which comes from the possibility to select dimensions and factors that best reflect the essence and nature of the present educational problems is its real strength.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 28-35.
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