Project management approach in the cities with county status in Poland
Anna Musioł-Urbańczyk, Barbara Sorychta-Wojsczyk
At present, rapid changes of the context, responsiveness to new trends, and social pressures to meet needs of the citizens require flexibility of public organizations thus making project management a way for these organizations to achieve their objectives.
While project management in a city is not a new phenomenon, implementation of many programmes and city projects is the way of realizing their strategic objectives.
The authors attempt to determine project management methodologies, applied by cities with county status. They identified IT tools used to support project management, and the main reasons of projects' failure or incomplete success.
For this purpose, literature studies and questionnaire survey were conducted in 33 offices of cities with county status in Poland.
The study of literature of the subject indicates that project management and project portfolio management can be used to implement a development strategy.
Based on the questionnaire surveys, the authors stated that project portfolios were created by city offices in a different way than in the business companies. Firstly, the project portfolio of a city office was treated as a set of projects for which the office was able to obtain funding. And secondly the cities were trying to manage projects in a specific way making use of the instructions they prepared on their own. Generally, in city offices, projects were conducted in accordance with PCM standards, whereas PMI, PRINCE2, and agile methodologies were not applied, or used in a very limited range.
Due to numerous problems identified during the research both at the planning and implementation phase of a project portfolio in city offices, the authors recommend adopting a project portfolio management approach as a form of realisation of a development strategy.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 41-46.
How to cite
Musioł-Urbańczyk, A. & Sorychta-Wojsczyk, B. (2018). Stosowanie metody zarządzania projektami w miastach na prawach powiatu w Polsce. e-mentor, 1(73), 41-46. DOI:
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