The business model of organization. Case study of Orbis Hotel Group
Elżbieta Nawrocka, Daria Jaremen
In the conditions of high variability of hotel enterprises' business environment, it is necessary to make changes in the way of running business. The research on business models results in better understanding of the mechanisms related to the functioning of economic entities. The purpose of the article is to characterize the business model of The Orbis Hotel Group in a historical perspective. In order to achieve it the case study method was used. The research results allowed us to determine the business model configuration in terms of four components (customer segments, customer value, key activities and key resources), identifying three sub-periods in the adopted research timeframe: 1991-2000, 2001-2007 and 2008-2015, in which The Orbis Hotel Group used various types of a business model (creating a standard and its development, a pyramid of products and solving clients' problems), which proves its variability over time.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 47-53.
How to cite
Nawrocka, E. & Jaremen, D. (2018). Model biznesu organizacji, Studium Grupy Hotelowej Orbis. e-mentor, 1(73), 47-53. DOI:
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