International project-oriented training of engineers based on the example of the European Engineering Team

Bartłomiej Gładysz, Elżbieta Jarzębowska


The paper presents the first cohort of the innovative project “European Engineering Team”, which was conducted within the ERASMUS+ program. The innovativeness of the project lies in the cooperation of 4 European universities of technology and its project-based approach. Students participating in the EET project independently defined problem domains related to sustainability. The mobility attributed to regular ERASMUS+ initiatives was redefined. Students and supervisors had to travel frequently for short periods (4 week-long meetings), reflecting the actual needs and demands of a global labor market. Students cooperate virtually and attend classes in their regular courses at home universities between direct meetings. The goal of this project was to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach to transnational and inter-university initiatives, utilizing blended learning. The goal was to develop student competencies in terms of sustainability, cooperation in transnational and geographically dispersed teams, who worked on multi-disciplinary problems utilizing knowledge from different domains. The approach was effective and most of the student competences improved throughout the project. However, some areas of possible improvement were defined and supervisors are focused on them during the ongoing second cohort of the EET.

Keywords: project-based learning; experiential learning; blended learning; transnational cooperation; short-period mobility


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Bartłomiej Gładysz

The Author is an Assistant in the EET project, a Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Production Systems Organization (Faculty of Production Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology). His research interests concern the edu-cation of engineers, in particular production engineers, management and production organization, modelling of production systems and identification technology based on radio frequency. He is the author and co-author of several dozen publications, including the monograph "RFID from Concept to Implementation" and two articles in the Journal of Cleaner Production.

Elżbieta Jarzębowska

The Author is a Coordinator of the EET project at the Warsaw University of Technology, a Professor at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. Her research topics include the dynamics of complex mechanical systems, issues of non-linear control of autonomous flying objects, including the space, ground and underwater. For several years, she worked in the USA at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and in the Ford Motor Company Research Laboratories. She is a departmental co-ordinator of the Erasmus+ program and the author of over 150 scientific publications, several academic textbooks, monographs and chapters in thematic monographs, and a section editor in two journals from the JCR list: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and International Journal of Non-linear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, as well as the co-organizer of several international conferences and symposium on dynamics and control methods.

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How to cite

Gładysz, B. & Jarzębowska, E. (2018). International project-oriented training of engineers based on the example of the European Engineering Team. e-mentor, 2(74), 63-72. DOI: