Is there any room for improvement for university social responsibility? Coopetition as a catalyst.
Elżbieta Karwowska, Krzysztof Leja
The modern university, responsible for conducting research and teaching, is especially responsible towards the society. Current articles that refer to the social responsibility of the university focus either on its social, economic, environmental and educational aspects, or on an institutional or systematic level. Authors noticed a lack of articles that refer to an important factor of being socially responsible - the ability and willingness to perform coopetition. Coopetition, also known as a cooperation with competitors, is widely known within the business community. Authors find it suitable also to the academic circles, hence universities can create alliances, compete for resources while cooperating at the same time.
The article is based on the analysis of six case studies of socially responsible universities located in USA, Turkey, New Zealand, Oman, Romania and Poland. The aim of the article is to diagnose the state of the art in the area of university social responsibility and to fill the gap through reflections towards coopetition of the universities. Authors stated three research questions: who are universities responsible to? under what circumstances do they become socially responsible? and what are the dominant practices of socially responsible university? The article closes with a remark that coopetition among universities may be the first step in the process of their consolidation that may be observed in Europe. Authors find this observation a reason to consider the extension of the definition of university social responsibility with the advantages of coopetition.
Keywords: social responsibility, coopetition, contemporary university
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The article is in the printed version on pages 4-13.
How to cite
Karwowska, E. & Leja, K. (2018). Czy społeczna odpowiedzialność uniwersytetu może być bardziej odpowiedzialna? Szanse wynikające z koopetycji uczelni. e-mentor, 3(75), 4-13. DOI:
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