Simulation as a tool supporting the production efficiency evaluation
Adam Koliński, Bogusław Śliwczyński, Paulina Golińska-Dawson
The information flow, from which managers can make decent decisions, requires the use of e-economy tools and enterprise support planning systems. Simulations as a tool of e-economy become increasingly popular in business practice nowadays. In this paper, the authors focus on presenting how the simulations were used to verify the developed model of evaluating production efficiency. Using a case study method, they describe the verification process, which depicts the specificity of the production process, on the example of serial production, which is the most representative in business practice. The main aim of the article is to present the informatization method of the evaluation model and the simulation as a tool supporting the decision-making process at the operational level.
Keywords: simulation of manufacturing processes, production efficiency, case study
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The article is in the printed version on pages 80-90.
How to cite
Koliński, A., Śliwczyński, B. & Golińska-Dawson, P. (2018). Wykorzystanie symulacji jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces oceny efektywności produkcji w przedsiębiorstwach produkcyjnych. e-mentor, 3(75), 80-90. DOI:
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