Economics in shorts, that is the Children's University of Economics and the Academy of Young Economist

Milena Więckowska


Dynamic changes taking place in the contemporary world, which may be observed in the economy, politics and in the way the society functions, create many challenges to people in every aspect of their lives. One of the main tasks of today’s education is to help young people to obtain the skills necessary for lifelong learning, which will enable them to flexibly adapt to the ever-changing reality and consciously manage their own education, also after leaving school. Therefore, awakening students’ curiosity about the world around them and convincing young people that learning can be a pleasure and passion becomes the main goal of children’s universities. Such initiatives have been acting around the world and also in Poland for many years. The economic education programs aimed at primary school students offered by the Children’s University of Economics (EUD) and the Academy of Young Economist (AME) distinguish them within the rich offer of Polish children’s universities. Their primary goal is to popularize knowledge and build economic awareness among children, to promote entrepreneurial attitudes and to support parents in the appropriate economic education of the young generation. The EUD and AME offerings of extracurricular activities may also contribute to the growth of economic awareness among Poles. The high level of satisfaction of EUD and AME lecturers, as well as the unceasing interest in these activities among children, prove these projects to be a success.

Keywords: Children’s University of Economics, Academy of Young Economist, extracurricular activities, economics for children, entrepreneurial attitudes, lectures for children


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Milena Więckowska

The Author is an employee of the Open Education Center at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She also works for the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Education, which initiated and still develops the programs of the Children's University of Economics and the Academy of Young Economist. She coordinates EUD and AME projects in all centers cooperating with SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Her tasks also include the organization of lectures on economics at SGH Warsaw School of Economics for primary school students from Warsaw and the surrounding area.

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The article is in the printed version on pages 32-37.

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How to cite

Więckowska, M. (2018). Economics in shorts, that is the Children's University of Economics and the Academy of Young Economist. e-mentor, 4(76), 32-37. DOI: