Strengthening the educational potential of higher education as exemplified by the project "Computer Science - studies that guarantee success"
Karol Korczak, Małgorzata Ziemecka
In the years 2012-2015, the project "Computer Science - studies that guarantee success" (ISGS) was carried out at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology (University of Łódź, Poland). The article assesses the impact of the ISGS project on the quality and attractiveness of education in the field of Computer Science. For the purposes of this study, the authors used data gathered by the dean's office and the team conducting the project: data from workshops, as well as student performance evaluations carried out by lecturers, company coordinators and student internship supervisors, which were organized and benchmarked. The results of these activities are presented in the form of tables and graphs. The project resulted in an increase in the number of recruitments for the Computer Science course (an average of 126.5 in those years when the project took place, versus 76.25 in other years). However, it did not have an effect on the percentage of graduates in the following years, which did not exceed 50. 196 students participated in the project, but only 47 of them completed it (24%). The students that completed the project had a higher average study score. Out of 76 graduates of the two analyzed year groups, 69 took participated in the project (over 90%). They proved to be the best students in the field of Computer Science. Thanks to their participation in the project, the students acquired teamwork skills, were introduced to the practical side of business, learned how to take responsibility for their work and solve problems through decision making. The project also had a number of weak points that led to students quitting it, such as too many course hours and their high substantive level. The conclusions from the analysis can constitute a set of recommendations regarding any future projects in the field of Computer Science.
Keywords: PO KL, project, educational process, computer science, group work
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 22-30.
How to cite
Korczak, K. i Ziemecka, M. (2019). Wzmacnianie potencjału dydaktycznego szkolnictwa wyższego na przykładzie projektu "Informatyka - studia z gwarancją sukcesu". e-mentor, 4(81), 22-30. DOI: 10.15219/em81.1431
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