Key sales competence and the increase of salesmen's productivity
Krzysztof Fiech
Growing competition can degrade the financial results of companies. The purpose of the paper is to analyze and present the author's concept of Key Sales Competence which, if applied, improves the productivity of salespeople and hence the productivity of the entire company. Since the value of financial revenue is a product of the number of customers and the value of their purchases, and it is the salespeople who form the main connector between customers and the company, it is assumed that there is a relation between the competences of salespeople and the financial results of companies.
Between 2011 and 2015, research using snowball sampling was conducted among 709 salespeople from various industries. The results showed that only 8.7% of the respondents possessed the Key Sales Competence. Thanks to specifying some key competences fundamental to the productivity of salespeople, the research revealed highly significant areas which, if improved, could lead to a significant growth in the company's total productivity. The most important area includes competences related to increasing the number of profitable customers and the level of qualitative sales. The second area is the companies' resources and the possibility of maximizing the value from their use by applying the Holistic Sales Strategy. Improving results in both areas leads to an increase in revenue and sales margin. Thus, the Key Sales Competence appears to be a highly useful tool for management staff in the training and recruiting of the sales force, as well as for companies in achieving their main goal - maximization of economic profit.
Keywords: Key Sales Competence, salesman's productivity, sales effectiveness, Holistic Sales Strategy, Qualitative Sales, sales force training, profit maximizing
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 63-70.
How to cite
Fiech, K. (2019). Kluczowa Kompetencja Sprzedażowa a wzrost produktywności handlowców. e-mentor, 4(81), 63-70. DOI: 10.15219/em81.1435
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