Cooperation of the speech-therapist and a parent in b-learning
Joanna Jatkowska
The use of a speech therapy e-learning platform in the therapy of children with speech disorders is a new phenomenon in Polish speech therapy, which has not been subject to scientific research so far. This concept required the development of an original method of cooperation with both a child and a parent. Such an approach has got the name b-learning in speech therapy. This article describes how new technology can support collaboration between a speech therapist and a parent.
The author of the article decided to examine the parents' attitudes towards b-learning, and for this purpose, she constructed a questionnaire of 12 questions. The study involved 52 parents whose children attended traditional speech therapy and used a specialized e-learning platform.
The collected research material showed that 97.73% of parents rated b-learning positively. The respondents acknowledged, among others, that working on the e-learning platform motivated children to speech therapy exercises at home, and also contributed to the improvement of their articulation. Parents also rated the work on the platform as convenient. They stressed the freedom of choosing the time of practicing with their child without the necessity to visit a specialist in the clinic. This factor determined the benefits associated with saving time and travel costs. However, many parents pointed out that the new method would not be effective without the participation of a speech therapist, whose role they assessed as crucial in the whole process.
Research conducted by the author showed the readiness of contemporary parents to take up new forms and methods in speech therapy to help their children overcome speech disorders. This open and committed attitude is highly promising and allows us to look with optimism at the model of the speech therapist's cooperation with the parent.
Keywords: speech therapy of children, speech disorders, speech therapy e-learning platform, blended learning in speech therapy
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 26-34.
How to cite
Jatkowska, J. (2020). Współpraca logopedy z rodzicem w b-learningu. e-mentor, 1(83), 26-34.
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