Empirical research on competency profile of Polish interim managers
Marcin Gul
In the dynamic and rapidly changing environments, there is an increased necessity for enterprises to enhance their flexibility by applying new methods, tools, and approaches. That also imposes the need for the acquisition of qualified management resources. Interim management is one of the possible responses to such requirements. Interim managers provide management resources for a limited time. This relatively new, flexible work pattern can be described as the temporary transfer of external, highly experienced, and skilled management personnel into a company to transfer situation-specific management know-how.
The main goal of the article is to characterize the interim management phenomenon, identify managerial competencies of temporary managers and confront the results of the qualitative empirical investigation with the universal model of managerial skills developed by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). Qualitative research was carried out using a Focus Group Interview (FGI) method.
Two existing models were compared and allowed for identifying the differences regarding the competence requirements for managers. The interim manager competency model was contrasted with the universal model. The main distinction resulted from different forms of cooperation in both cases. More precisely, the differences originated primarily from the objectives of the implemented projects and the specification of work in the IM formula. Interim managers are usually not responsible for shaping the organizational culture and have relatively little time for implementation into the organization. Permanently employed managers care for the long-term development of employees. In contrast, the interim manager is hired to share the experience and practical knowledge with employees during the project period. The competencies of interim managers co-occur in several closely related competence areas and, therefore, a matrix structure seems to be most appropriate to reflect them.
Keywords: interim management, interim manager, temporary management, management, managerial competencies, competency profile
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em83.1454
The article is in the printed version on pages 44-50.
How to cite
Gul, M. (2020). Profil kompetencyjny polskich interim managerów w świetle badań empirycznych. e-mentor, 1(83), 44-50. https://doi.org/10.15219/em83.1454
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