Team projects as preparation for virtual team collaboration
Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka, Krzysztof Nowicki
The article concerns the implementation of the learning-by-project and collaborative learning methods on the example of a Team Project course delivered as an element of a postgraduate ICT programme portfolio. The course and its assumptions are presented to stress the contextual characteristic of the realised projects and their analogies with business projects. The participants of the Team Project course were Z generation students who take virtual collaboration for granted, and the criteria of team virtualization were described and measured. The aim of the article is to present the concept of the implementation of the Team Project course and to assess the effectiveness of the learning-by-project method on the development of two kinds of competences - technical and social - including project team collaboration competences. The results of the quantitative research are presented; they confirm a high level of the teams' virtualization and positive assessment of the effectiveness of the learning method in the perception of Team Project participants. The the qualitative research defines the main challenges (such as changes of the level of team members' commitment, team composition changes, requirements changes) and main areas of the students' development, such as team self-organization, internal and external relationship development, and enriching the project experience. There are some recommendations regarding improvements to the Team Project course that can be implemented in team-based learning-by-projects courses in ICT undergraduate programmes.
Keywords: virtual team, project team collaboration, project-based learning, team learning, engineering competencies
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 4-14.
How to cite
Krawczyk-Bryłka, B. i Nowicki, K. (2020). Projekty grupowe jako przygotowanie do współpracy w zespołach wirtualnych. e-mentor, 3(85), 4-14.
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