Responsible Research and Innovation: the concept and its implementation in the areas of public engagement, gender equality and ethics
Alicja Dańkowska
This article addresses the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which concerns extensive collaboration between different actors at all stages of the R&D process and emphasises the prevention of the potential negative impact of innovations. RRI has been incorporated as a key concept of Horizon 2020, the European Commission's framework programme for 2014-2020.
The purpose of this article is twofold. First, it serves to present and explain the concept of RRI. Secondly, it aims to describe the degree of familiarity and practical implementation of the RRI concept in the Polish innovation system among scientific and business institutions and formulate training needs in this area. Research questions have been answered based on in-depth interviews conducted with representatives of various institutions of the Polish innovation system.
The study results show that despite the lack of familiarity with the definition of RRI, similar concepts are known, and practices concerning particular aspects of RRI, including ethics, public engagement and gender equality, are implemented to some extent. Finally, the most critical barriers to the implementation of the RRI concept have been identified.
Keywords: Responsible Research and Innovation, public engagement, gender equality, ethics, innovation system institutions, training needs
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 25-33.
How to cite
Dańkowska, A. (2021). Odpowiedzialne Badania i Innowacje - koncepcja i zakres jej stosowania w obszarach zaangażowania społecznego, równości płci i etyki. e-mentor, 2(89), 25-33.
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