Open Educational Resources - a review of the initiatives in Poland and around the world

Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła, Anna Wałek


Open Educational Resources (OER) are training materials and tools that support both learning and teaching. This phenomenon is inextricably linked with a broader concept - open education, which calls for the removal of barriers to teaching so that learners can acquire knowledge following their educational and training needs. The aim of the article is to familiarize the readers with the idea of open educational resources, the legal and organizational foundations crucial for their creation and development, as well as the latest initiatives undertaken in the field of OER dissemination. In the first part of the article, the authors explain the concept and role of open educational resources in the teaching process. Then, they present selected initiatives implemented by members of the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) and the results of a survey conducted among European academic libraries by SPARC Europe. The analysis of publications, the content of legal documents, reports, and recommendations made it possible to precisely define the meaning of open educational resources for their users. The multifaceted nature and scale of the activities confirm that modern teaching can develop faster based on open educational materials.

Keywords: Open educational resources, open education, open science, distance learning, university libraries



Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła
Anna Wałek

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 51-60.

pdf read the article (Polish)

How to cite

Kokot-Kanikuła, K. i Wałek, A. (2021). Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne - przegląd inicjatyw w Polsce i na świecie. e-mentor, 4(91), 51-60.