Life satisfaction of the third age university students

Artur Fabiś, Aleksandra Błachnio


The article characterizes the relationship of educational activity of the elderly with a more optimal way of experiencing their ageing, which could be indicated by a higher measure of their overall level of satisfaction with life. The purpose of this study was to provide an in-depth analysis of the components of life satisfaction among actively learning seniors. A questionnaire survey was conducted with the voluntary participation of 405 third age university students (U3A). Data were collected on the critical areas comprising individual well-being illustrating the variation in the experience of old age among active mature learners. Only 6.8% of the U3A learners are not satisfied with their life achievements. Seniors with four or more children were found to be most satisfied, suggesting that self-actualization in the family and educational domains need not be competitive. The analysis of the health component of life satisfaction showed a clear overrepresentation of seniors with good psychophysical condition. In general, successful ratings of the component measures of life satisfaction of the actively learning seniors predominate.

Keywords: life satisfaction, aging, university of the third age, educationally active seniors, old age, learning


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Artur Fabiś

Aleksandra Błachnio

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 43-49.

pdf read the article (Polish)

How to cite

Fabiś, A i Błachnio, A. (2021). Zadowolenie z życia słuchaczy uniwersytetów trzeciego wieku. e-mentor, 4(91), 43-49.