Nurturing a leader process owners' toolbox: success measures
Julita Majczyk
Theoretical and empirical evidence citing research on leadership development is scarce, as is awareness of the effects of leadership training. Moreover, these programs remain largely ineffective in tapping the optimal leadership potential of employees. Hence, this study aims to identify and describe the effects of investments in leadership development programs and to provide insight into methods for quantifying these benefits regardless of the specialization or location of a large company. Participants were selected purposefully. The core part of the qualitative study was conducting 26 individual semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the data was based on grounded theory procedures. The data indicates that while teaching the practice of leadership behavior generates a variety of benefits, these benefits can sometimes go unnoticed by managers. Meanwhile, a distinction can be made between non-leadership and leadership benefits of leadership training. Leadership benefits relate to the development of individual participants of the program, as well as translate into relationships and the quality and quantity of work performed. In addition, the managers of these programs, except in individual cases, do not measure and analyze the effectiveness of training effects in a standardized manner, which may effectively limit the development of the category of benefits from investment in the leadership development of an individual employee or the potential of these programs, or make it impossible to indicate the direction and scope of improvements necessary to maintain or improve their effectiveness.
Keywords: nurturing leaders, leadership development, success measures, leadership benefits, qualitative research
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 46-53.
How to cite
Majczyk, J. (2022). Instrumentarium zarządzającego programem rozwoju przywództwa: mierniki sukcesu. e-mentor, 1(93), 46-53.
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