The role of digital competences in the glottodidactic process from the perspective of the representatives of the digital natives community

Beata Gałan


Digital competences, involving the responsible and critical use of information and communication technologies in various areas of our lives, are today one of the key competences of the twenty-first century. In the face of the ongoing digital revolution, their importance in various fields of education is growing as well. The aim of the article is to show the role of digital competences in language education from the perspective of the modern generation - active users of modern technologies. Based on the theoretical aspects of the discussed issues, surveys were conducted the main goal of which was the analysis of personal opinions of learners (representatives of the digital natives community) on the role of digital competences in various activities of the glottodidactic process. The research was conducted among students of neophilological specialties of the bachelor's programme at the University of Silesia. The scope of use and assessment of the usefulness of digital competences in the process of teaching-learning foreign languages and the definition and self-assessment of own e-skills was of particular interest. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research material confirmed the important role of e-skills in developing both communication and language competences and learning strategies, also from the perspective of learners. Given the significant usefulness of digital competences in didactic activities, improving them is undoubtedly one of the priority tasks of modern education.

Keywords: glottodidactic process, digital competences, digital natives community, information and communications technologies, survey of learner's opinions.


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Beata Gałan

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 64-76.

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How to cite

Gałan, B. (2022). Rola kompetencji cyfrowych w procesie glottodydaktycznym z perspektywy przedstawicieli społeczności digital natives. e-mentor, 1(93), 64-76.