Addressing students' perceived value with the virtual university concept

Ryszard Ćwiertniak, Przemysław Stach, Katarzyna Kowalska-Jarnot, Karolina Worytkiewicz-Raś, Barbara Wachułka-Kościuszko


Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital transformation has significantly accelerated in many industries, including somewhat slow-changing higher education. The epidemic situation pushed students, faculties, and administrators to experiment to a much greater degree with online classes, digital cooperation, and virtual student services. For the majority of the academic community, this situation created a completely new reality. Indeed, the digital experience in higher education was for some community members quite challenging, if not traumatic. Fairly soon, however, the digital experiment proved successful in many areas. In some cases, even more effective than conservative practices.

The Virtual University Concept (VUC) has been a topic of debate for quite some time, but only now has it found a receptive audience in all sectors of the academic community. In the following articles, the authors will attempt to conceptualize the virtual university as an innovative way to address contemporary challenges for Higher Education Institutions (HEI), specifically their ability to identify, create and capture value for students. The concept of the VUC is grounded in a literature review, the professional experience of the authors, as well as the student survey, which was conducted in one of Cracow's private colleges. The authors have listed fundamental areas of focus that need to be addressed before attempting to model the VUC. They include the technical and technological capacity of a HEI, faculty development, cost management, innovation, and students' and employers' value perceptions. All this must be done with the goal of providing value to key stakeholders at a reasonable cost. All the authors' inquiry streams seem to suggest that if well designed and implemented, the VUC can be a source of significant value to students and therefore should be considered in HEI expansion and turnaround strategies.

Keywords: virtual university concept, perceived value, distance learning, e-learning, Higher Education Institution (HEI)


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Ryszard Ćwiertniak

The author holds a Ph.D. Social Sciences in the field of Management and Quality Sciences (Cracow University of Economics), an M.A. in Management Studies (Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw) and an engineering degree in Electronics. He is an Agile Design Methods and Design Thinking expert. He draws fully on design thinking in his training sessions for businesses, public administration, education, and the non-governmental sector. He has conducted several dozen workshops in the field of training planning, operational planning, and crisis response. He is involved in supporting organizations in their search for improvement. He currently conducts training courses for companies preparing teams to implement the Design Thinking methodology in the area of advanced production systems - Industry 4.0.

Przemysław Stach

The author holds a Ph.D. in Economics in the field of Management Science (Cracow University of Economics), and an M.A. in American Studies (American Studies Center, University of Warsaw). An academician with over twenty years of experience in teaching and scholarly research. He has worked for many institutions of higher education in Poland and abroad, and lectured in Germany, Denmark, and the UAE. His current teaching responsibilities include mainly Principles of Management, Strategic Planning in Digital Marketing, Marketing Research, Change Management, and Performance Management. Outside academia, he has been an active management consultant with Factor Consulting, where he specializes in change and performance management, sales and marketing organization, decision support, and market research. He has carried out projects in the IT, chemical, medical, pharmaceutical, HoReCa, R&D, and automotive industries.

Katarzyna Kowalska-Jarnot

The author holds a Ph.D. in Management and specializes in marketing. Her current teaching responsibilities include Marketing Research, Marketing, and Digital Marketing. Before starting her academic career, she worked for many organizations as a Training Specialist, Marketing Specialist, and PR Consultant. She was the Head of the Marketing Department for WSEI. She is active outside academia, consulting and conducting training courses for companies.

Karolina Worytkiewicz-Raś

The author holds a B.A and an M.A. in Economy, and specializes in management, especially family businesses. Her current teaching responsibilities include management and entrepreneurship. She is the Head of the Competence Development Center at WSEI, and also works in a family business as financial specialist.

Barbara Wachułka-Kościuszko

The author has a B.A. degree in English Philology and an M.A. in Human Resource Management and Practical Psychology of Management and Negotiations. She is a soft skill trainer, recruiter, and educator with fourteen years of experience. She has worked as a corporate training coordinator and recruiter for medium-sized and large enterprises. She has authored many training programs, and currently works as a freelance trainer with training companies and corporations. Her current teaching responsibilities include mainly Human Resources Management. At WSEI, she also serves as an HR Generalist and an international projects coordinator.

About the article


The article is in the printed version on pages 65-76.

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How to cite

Ćwiertniak, R., Stach, P., Kowalska-Jarnot, K., Worytkiewicz-Raś, K., Wachułka-Kościuszko, B. (2022). Addressing students' perceived valuewith the virtual university concept. e-mentor, 2(94), 65-76.