Different approaches to studying inter-organisational trust relations in Polish and English literature
Rafał Staszek vel Staszewski
In recent years both in Polish and international literature, the number of studies devoted to trust in inter-organisational relations has grown at a steady pace. The authors of these studies tend to apply two methodological approaches: variance theory and process theory. The aim of this article is to compare Polish and English language academic literature with regard to the methodological approaches. The article is based on a systematic literature review of inter-organisational trust, with literature collected based on keywords and snowball methodology. The election was based on abstract analysis and the text of selected articles. The methodologies of the selected articles were presented and compared. From the initial pool of 726 positions, 32 articles in Polish and 30 in English were analysed and compared, with the data presented in a comparison table. The findings indicate a research gap in Polish-language literature in the form of an insufficient amount of research on trust at inter-organisational level using a process-based approach. Applying this approach would potentially deepen the understanding of organisations' relationships with each other, especially in the context of Poland.
Keywords: trust, inter-organisational relations, inter-organisational trust, process theory, variance theory
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em95.1574
The article is in the printed version on pages 61-71.
How to cite
Staszewski, R., vel Staszek. (2022). Różnice w podejściach do badania zaufania międzyorganizacyjnego w literaturze polskojęzycznej i anglojęzycznej. e-mentor, 3(95), 61-71. https://doi.org/10.15219/em95.1574
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