Do Polish tourists want wellbeing tourism? Preferences for wellbeing tourism versus the psychological wellbeing of individuals
Anna Młynkowiak-Stawarz
This paper is part of a study on the impact of tourism experiences on the psychological wellbeing of individuals. Integrating the approach of positive psychology and research on tourists' behaviour within the field of marketing, Caroll Ryff's concept of psychological wellbeing and the concept of wellbeing tourism were used for this purpose. The aim of the research was to investigate differences in the level of perceived psychological wellbeing by tourists preferring different types of wellbeing tourism, and the article presents theoretical and practical premises for defining wellbeing tourism. Wellbeing tourism can be defined as a specific type of tourism based on six pillars that ensure a sustainable approach to travel and leisure - simultaneous care for the body, soul, and mind of the tourist, as well as the environment, society, and economy of the destination area. Through analysis of variance, it was found that these differences are significant for those preferring natural and cultural wellbeing tourism, and they are also influenced by the perception of one's financial situation. Applying the results of the study will enable tourism enterprises to design an offer for tourists that will increase their sense of psychological wellbeing.
Keywords: wellbeing tourism, psychological wellbeing, preferences of tourists, nature tourism, cultural tourism
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 56-68.
How to cite
Młynkowiak-Stawarz, A. (2023). Do Polish tourists want wellbeing tourism? Preferences for wellbeing tourism versus the psychological wellbeing of individuals. e-mentor, 2(99), 56-68.
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