Number: 2 (79) / 2019
Teaching methods and programs
- Ewa ChudzyĆska, Ewa Cukrowska-Torzewska, Field of education and its role in the context of technological changes in the Polish labor market
- Katarzyna GĂłrak-Sosnowska, Managing studentsâ affairs by deanâs offices in Polish higher education institutions: effectiveness and limits
- Marta Znajmiecka-Sikora, Justyna Wiktorowicz, Monika SaĆagacka, Agnieszka Ćysio, The analysis of the connection between the perspectives of time perception and tendency to procrastinate among the students of polytechnic majors
New trends in management
- Marzena Syper-JÄdrzejak, Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk, The role of mindfulness in the workplace â possibilities to stimulate the mindfulness of employees
- Monika Stelmaszczyk, Adam Jarubas, Applying the ambidexterity approach to knowledge exchange and knowledge protection in the context of absorptive capacity