SEM - evolution, main concepts and implementation capabilities for universities in Poland

Piotr Pietrucha


The majority of universities in Poland undertake a number of activities aimed at counteracting the reduction in the number of students. Universities in North America, in response to a strong downward trend in the number of students in the last decade, often decide to implement the concept of SEM (Strategic Enrollment Management). The present paper presents the main principles and the process of SEM , as well an attempt taken to identify the main criteria that should be completed in the implementation of SEM in Polish universities. The review of literature found that the key condition for SEM application is the existence of strategic management at the university , which can be confirmed with the use of standard, scope and expertise methodologies. In addition, based on the currently binding law on higher education, an analysis of the legal environment of the educational institution in Poland has been conducted. As a result , within the Polish higher education system, there have been observed the limitations in the autonomy of public universities in the area of recruitment management in determining the number of students.


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Warsaw School of Economics

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The article is in the printed version on pages 5-11.

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How to cite

P. Pietrucha, SEM - ewolucja, główne koncepcje oraz możliwości implementacji w praktyce polskich uczelni, „e-mentor” 2014, nr 2 (54), s. 5-11,