Usage of LabSEE to design online economic experiments
Robert Borowski, Tomasz Kopczewski
Although the experimental methods were widely introduced into economics teaching process, there are relatively few didactic materials and tools which enable using e-learning in this approach. This is due to both, technical software limitations, as well as the lack of methodology for implementing this type of activity. This paper presents the basic principles of efficient use of economic experiments in e-learning teaching. Based on the experience of conducting online classes it can be concluded that the basic condition for active learning of economic theory is to use the elements of gamification and the flipped teaching, in which the economic experiment is followed by the introduction of theories and economic models. The second condition is to create a work environment so that the experiments can be carried out without significant investment of time and technical resources. platform was created as a dedicated environment for creating and carrying out experiments on-line within the e-learning course or as an aid in m-learning. This paper presents the platform and technical basis of experiments to create and share online.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 38-44.
How to cite
R. Borowski, T. Kopczewski, Wykorzystanie programu LabSEE do tworzenia eksperymentów ekonomicznych online, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 4(61), s. 38-44,
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