Psychological readiness of teachers to create effective e-education environment - research concept
Katarzyna Kaliszewska-Czeremska, Stéphanie Laconi
New needs of contemporary students caused by technology development and the change of the character of relations between students and teachers pose a challenge for the present-day school. Preparation of didactic staff for e-education seems to be in this context one of the most important tasks of the contemporary education system. If we want to prepare future generations of teachers to work in the dynamically changing educational reality, we need to take care of expanding the scope of competencies of this labor group. Shaping readiness to create an effective e-education environment appears to be a beneficial approach, important for both sides participating in the process of formal education. Yet, preparing an educational offer that would be adequately adjusted to the needs of particular labor group requires, in the first place, proper recognition of those needs. An accurate diagnosis of teachers' and prospective teachers' readiness to create effective e-education environments could enable optimization of actions in this area. In this article, issues connected with the preparation of teachers and prospective teachers to work in e-education have been discussed. Also, the author's proposition of a psychological examination of teachers' readiness at different stages of professional development to create effective e-education environments has been presented here.
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About the article
The article is in the printed version on pages 32-37.
How to cite
K. Kaliszewska-Czeremska, S. Laconi, Psychologiczna gotowość nauczycieli do tworzenia efektywnego środowiska e-edukacji: koncepcja badań, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 4(61), s. 32-37,
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