Effective management of e-learning projects with limited resources supported by the integration of Rapid Instructional Design concept
Michał Kuciapski
Development and implementation of professional multimedia and interactive e-learning courses are time-consuming and expensive. There is a need to find a new ways of improving high standard e-learning offer without incurring significant financial resources. Here, Rapid Instructional Design (RID) might be useful due to its focus on cost and time reduction involved in developing e-learning courses while ensuring an acceptable to users level of quality. The aim of this article is to present adaptation of the RID concept to e-learning projects management process and verify its practical use. It starts with research problem analysis on creating e-learning courses with limited time and financial resources. Then, follows a literature review of the RID concept and potential benefits for its applying to e-learning initiatives realization. Next, there is, based on RID, project management approach on e-learning courses development described. The last two parts of this paper outline methodology and results of using proposed approach obtained during its implementation for two e-learning projects and follow author's discussion on applying it to different kinds of e-learning initiatives, in reference to mentioned results.
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About the article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15219/em61.1204
The article is in the printed version on pages 45-54.
How to cite
M. Kuciapski, Skuteczne zarządzanie projektami e-learningowymi w warunkach ograniczonych zasobów poprzez integrację koncepcji Rapid Instructional Design, „e-mentor” 2015, nr 4(61), s. 45-54, http://dx.doi.org/10.15219/em61.1204.
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