Civil-military intercultural education and training in the form of blended learning
Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylińska, Kamila Trochowska, Paweł Maciejewski
The article presents a case study on the implementation of blended learning in cross-cultural education and training. With a special highlight to the importance of intercultural education, the authors state that the key conditions for the effective use of this form of teaching are well-prepared virtual didactic materials, such as teaching modules, and an appropriate combination of resources and tools for synchronous and asynchronous communication. Open source tools allow teachers to create engaging and attractive activities. Moreover, they can be used in learning progress control. Regarding the stage of virtual materials design, a crucial role play careful analysis and composition of the course content. The presented instructional solutions reveal the effects of over a three-year authors' co-operation in creating learning resources for the purpose of cross-cultural training led at the National Defense University in Warsaw. The basis for implementation of all activities were solutions and guidelines recommended by Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, an institution which is more recognized in military than civilian environments. Final conclusions include reflections on the praxeological approach to the issue of the use of blended learning in civil-military contexts.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 24-34.
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