Application of BPMN to assess the benefits of implementing e-services in accordance with EU regulations
Lucyna Łuczak-Noworolnik, Szymon Mamrot, Filip Nowak
The growing number of the EU regulations imposes additional administrative burdens on Polish entrepreneurs. However, in Poland no thorough analyses concerning the costs of the burdens resulting from the implementation of such regulations are conducted. Moreover, during the law-making process the benefits of implementing e-services are not assessed either. The aim of the conducted research was to develop a method permitting the assessment of implementing e-services in the course of law-making. The proposed method is based on the process analysis supported by BPMN. The method permits to precisely assess the benefits of digitalization of public services following from the EU regulations, due to application of modeling and simulation analysis, which allows for comparing different versions of implementation of the EU regulations. Presented method has been used in the process of applying for the European account preservation order. The research conducted has proved that digitalization of the order permits the duration of a process to be cut by more than a half compared to traditional (paper) way of completing the procedure. Moreover, it was confirmed that completing procedures electronically is less expensive than traditional way of proceeding. Application of the proposed method allowed for collecting the precise data, which enabled the comparison of the costs of burdens in different variants of EU regulations implementation.
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The article is in the printed version on pages 53-61.
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