The analysis of the connection between the perspectives of time perception and tendency to procrastinate among the students of polytechnic majors
Marta Znajmiecka-Sikora, Justyna Wiktorowicz, Monika Sałagacka, Agnieszka Łysio
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the significance of the perspectives of time perception in the context of the individual's behavior. The research presented in this paper aimed to check the connection of demographic (gender) and subjective (perspective of time perception) factors with the tendency to procrastinate. The study involved 174 students of polytechnic majors (including 105 women and 69 men). The following tools were used: Polish version of Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) in Stępień and Cieciuch adaptation, as well as Zimbardo and Boyd Time Questionnaire, adapted by Aneta Przepiórka.
The results indicate that positive past temporal orientation is the main perspective of time perception in the tested group. Women, more often than men, are oriented towards the future and positive past. In terms of procrastination, there were intersexual differences only in the non-adaptive aspect, which was higher among men. The conducted analysis showed that procrastination and its three aspects are negatively related to the future perspective of time perception, positively with the present fatalistic perspective and positively with the past negative perspective (only in the behavioral and general aspect). The results obtained also indicate that the tendency to procrastinate may be increased by negative past temporal orientation and weakened by the future perspective.
Keywords: temporal orientation, perspectives of time perception, procrastination, to procrastinate
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The article is in the printed version on pages 26-32.
How to cite
Znajmiecka-Sikora, M., Wiktorowicz, J., Sałagacka, M. i Łysio A. (2019). Analiza związku między perspektywą postrzegania czasu a prokrastynacją akademicką. e-mentor, 2(79), 26-32. DOI: 10.15219/em80.1409
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